Divine Selfishness
by Kristen Fox and John McNally
by Kristen Fox and John McNally
One of the big differences between conscious creation, and many other systems of thought is that conscious creators recognize and celebrate their own motivations for the things they choose to do.
We are not here simply to “help others”, we are here to LIVE, and to do whatever expresses our joy. This might INVOLVE helping others, but only if it brings you joy to do so. (Do not get the conceptual focus of expressing joy confused with the infinite number of ways that joy can be expressed in physical reality, or you’re simply adding another rule to how you can express your love and joy.) Self honesty is important in this area, because we often like to adopt a sense of false humility about such things, believing that we are “spiritual” from doing them, rather than just from being who we are.
The concept of divine selfishness is different from the selfishness that you may have grown up believing in. Traditional selfishness is based on a belief in lack: “There is only so much out there and I need to get all I can.” Conversely, the traditional idea of selfLESSness is also centered around a belief in lack: “There is only so much out there, and if each of us was only to take what we ‘needed,’ there would be enough to go around.” If you let go of the belief that there is lack, whether it’s money, love, or natural resources, then traditional concepts of selfishness/selflessness just fall apart.
Being divinely selfish means trusting that following your joy is the best possible thing you can do for not just you, but for everyone else as well. Believing in abundance means that there is more than enough for everyone - always! You understand that each person is creating their own situation, their own life script and trust that no matter how you might be tempted to judge it from the outside, they are getting some sort of value fulfillment from it. Living from a divinely selfish perspective provides a role model for those who are not following their joy, it is the true essence of “teaching someone to be a fisherman” since you are not preaching concepts, but instead living them and modeling that for others to take notice of.
Does this mean you WON’T help others or will only be lost in your own little world? No. Remember not to confuse the idea of being in your joy with it’s expression. In any moment, your joy is actually guiding you to the best possible action to take in any moment. Also remember that joy is a state of being, which can feel like anything from a happy possibility to the action taken with the most integrity. Someone like Mother Theresa could only have done her good works by being in her center and following her own calling and joy, otherwise she most likely would have burnt out a long time ago. In order to fill the glasses of others our own pitcher must first be filled.
All materials on consciouscreation.com are created and copyrighted by Kristen Fox and John McNally unless otherwise noted. If you wish you may copy pages for personal use only - please include this copyright notice. All rights reserved.
All materials on consciouscreation.com are created and copyrighted by Kristen Fox and John McNally unless otherwise noted. If you wish you may copy pages for personal use only - please include this copyright notice. All rights reserved.