After spending a long, yet enjoyable 7 hours at Legoland, Westchester with a large group of homeschool families we can't miss the free monthly mini build today.
Every month, LEGO Stores around the world host a free event for kids called the monthly mini model buildAt this free event, kids will learn how to build the a mini model and then take home the free LEGOs used to complete it.
Every month, LEGO Stores around the world host a free event for kids called the monthly mini model buildAt this free event, kids will learn how to build the a mini model and then take home the free LEGOs used to complete it.
Upcoming LEGO Monthly Builds:
You can get free LEGOs through this program by attending a monthly mini model build at your local LEGO Store. Here's details for the next free LEGO build:
How Get Your Free LEGO
You can get your free LEGO by just showing up at the LEGO Store on the specified date. No registration is required. Since quantities are limited, you'll want to show up on time or early to make sure you get your free LEGO.
Restrictions on the Monthly Mini Model Builds:
The monthly mini model builds are only for kids ages 6-14.
The free LEGOs for the mini builds are available in the U.S., U.K., and Germany LEGO Stores.
More Freebies from LEGO:
Kids can also receive a free LEGO Club magazine subscription in the mail each and every month.