Free Family Fun Day To Celebrate Volunteerism! For connecting children and families to the act of service and giving back, there is no organization quite like generationOn. On Saturday, November 19th, from 10 AM to 12:30 PM, generationOn is hosting a free Family Fun'Raiser (with New York Family as the media supporter!), in which guests will participate in youth-led service projects such as decorating stuffed animals to benefit children in the hospital, creating care kits for the local shelters, and making holiday card for our troops abroad.
Families will create their own projects all morning while enjoying a holiday meal catered by Dinosaur BBQ and live entertainment!
Click here for details, and RSVP immediately because space is limited. (The event is at PS 166, at 132 West 89th Street.) generationOn is the global youth service movement igniting the power of all kids to make their mark on the world.
As the youth division of the Points of Light, generationOn brings together the nation's leading youth service organizations under one umbrella with a mission to inspire, equip, and mobilize youth to take action that changes the world and themselves through service.