The boys and I went to the Farmers Market in the Lower East Side and it was so much fun. Our journey today was to get fresh fruits and vegetables so James said, "Let's go to a Farmers Market." That sounded like a splendid idea. We all got dressed and headed to the car. Now which one would we go to? Fortunately we have a pleathorah of choices in NYC. We started out to Long Island to the Garden City one but they closed at 1pm so our adventure started a little late to drive there and have time to shop at our leisure. OK plan B. Manhattan.

We ended up in the Lower east side at St. Mark's Church in the Bowery 131 East 10th St. The parking angels provided a perfect spot on the side of the block. We did not have a huge variety of farmers but we had tons of fruit and vegetables to choose from. The boys were so excited. Jon Luc picked apples. I let him put them in our apple bag. James saw leeks and wanted to try them. We are not vegetarians but we are blessed to have children who love vegetables so we go meatless often. I had not intended to get soo many veggies at one time but we found out it was the last day for this market so the deals were amazing. Our bounty: A beautiful squash, apples,broccoli, cauliflower, leeks, tomatoes, onions, baby bok choy, carrots, lettuce, kale and a beet. As soon as we made it to the car we washed some apples and proceeded to make plans for the wonderful dishes we could prepare like apple juice, apple pie, carrot juice and carrot cake, asian inspired soups and stirfry. Not sure about the squash yet.
Martha Stewart, Food Network, Epicurious and Allrecipies here we come. Off to see the Happy Turkey Day!
Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Guide thank you CBS.